光与夜之恋 齐司礼活动【孟春纪事】:话题/趣闻 | Light and Night "Spring Story" Event Topics / Anecdotes

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This page is a record of translations for snippets of the text-matching event in Sariel's event "Spring Story". There are three parts of the stories with text-matching, and each part has 12 snippets. For the event stories, please read them here.

1. 集市寻芳 (Market Scent-Searching)

🏮 Sariel: Don't know where to go first? The destinations are all written on the road sign, just take your time to read them, there's no need to hurry.

路牌 (Road sign): Difficulty in making a choice - I've been making Sariel to lead the way throughout the entire day.

🏮 Sariel: The spout of the watering can in the greenhouse is broken, I have to remember to buy a new one.

喷壶 (Watering Can): Bought a bird-shaped watering can. Sariel emphasized that it has nothing to do with clumsy bird.

🏮 Sariel: That isn't onion, that's zephyrlily. The path outside the house entrance has them on both sides, you can't possibly be telling me that you've never noticed it all these while, right?

葱莲 (Zephyrlily*): Zephyrlily... He doesn't even like eating onions, why is he even planting little onions?!

*T/N: It has the same plant family as onions... 

🏮 Sariel: You wanted to buy them because its golden color made it look delicious? Then you should just buy oranges.

黄金果 (Abiu Fruit): I bought us some auspicious fruits. If others have them in their houses during the festival, then we have to have them too.

🏮 Sariel: The shop is named Happy Cats with Grass, not Happy Fox with Grass*, what are you being so excited about?

含羞草 (Shameplant): Spent 20 minutes to discuss the similarities of Sariel with shameplants.

店铺 (Shop): Shop navigator with the brand Sariel, well-reviewed by all users.

猫 (Cat): Told Sariel I wanted to rear cats, but it seems like he isn't too happy about it?

*T/N: Sariel reacts to foxtail grass like how cats reacts to catnips. 

🏮 Sariel: The color is too dark, even if Zhuang Zhou* wants a change, it'd be much more vivid than this.

蝴蝶 (Butterfly): Sariel patted my head, saying that there's a butterfly on it.

*T/N: 庄周 is a reference from an idiom 庄周梦蝶. This idiom means "I don't know if it was Zhuang Zhou who became a butterfly in his dreams, or did the butterfly became Zhuang Zhou in its dreams. It then refers to a wonderful dream, or it is a metaphor for the fickleness of life.

🏮 Sariel: This form... It'll probably sleet* tomorrow.

流云 (Drifting clouds): As long as the two of us are together, it's a good day regardless how the weather will be.

*T/N: Sleet = combination of snow and rain.

🏮 Sariel: That's the head of a curled grass-patterned roof tile*. Don't think about it anymore, there's no foxtail-shaped roof tiles. Bird tail, however, is justifiable.

屋檐 (Eaves): The icicle under the eave is really adorable. Sariel broke a piece for me.

*T/N: This is a feature in ancient Chinese buildings. I'm not too sure if it has an English name, but it looks like this.

🏮 Sariel: This flower, on the contrary, is actually a real flower. You have really proved that "fiction can be reality, and reality can be fiction*".

绢花 (Silk flower): I've given the fake flower to Sariel, it also carries the scent of morning dews.

*T/N: 假作真时真亦假 - This is one of the couplets in 红楼梦 (Dream of Red Chamber). It means, if the fake is treated as something authentic, it'll be considered authentic after a long time, and the authentic became the fake.

🏮 Sariel: Not only I saw fried rice in it, I even saw blue pottery, I suppose you've improved too.

瓷碗 (Porcelain Bowl): It's a deal, the meal back home will be fried rice and brown sugar jelly.

🏮  趣闻:习以为常 / Anecdote: Getting Accustomed 

There's a leaf of the shameplant from a shop in the east side of the flower market that will never shut close even after touch. The owner said that it's because their kitten have touched it too frequently, that it got accustomed to it.

Before heading out, I quietly placed my freezing hand into Sariel's coat pocket. Only within 0.5 seconds, the warm palm has already covered my hand tightly. After observing seriously for a minute, he looked calm, and his ears aren't even reddening at all. I tried tickling the lines of his palm, but there's no warning from his gaze, but he only held my hand even tighter.

A lot can really changed after being accustomed to something huh, I exclaimed softly, and Sariel happened to have heard it. The golden pupils looked towards me, and my heart skipped a beat.

Turns out that I am the one that has yet to get accustomed to this.

2. 窗纸贴花 (Floral Paper Cut Art)

🏮 Sariel: The table has four sides, must you sit on the same side as mine?

桌子 (Table): He said that the table has four sides, but he wasn't willing to sit on the other side either.

🏮 Sariel: Your method of holding the knife is incorrect. Use a vertical strength, and control it with your fingers. Don't cut your hand.

刻刀 (Carving Knife): He realized that he needs to hold his student's hand when he teaches the usage of knife.

🏮 Sariel: Where did you find that? I drew those pictures, but you can cut whatever you like.

古代图册 (Ancient drawing book): I begged Sariel to draw an epiphany as an image for my usage.

🏮 Sariel: Are you sure that playing the Great Compassion Mantra* could make you calm down during your paper cutting instead of falling asleep?

收音机 (Radio): We've decided to listen to crosstalk while cutting, and the usual channel we tune into is 74.0*.

*T/N: 740 is how Sariel's Chinese name can be written in numbers. As for the Great Compassion Mantra, it's related to Buddhism.

🏮 Sariel: It's not a monster nor a little fox, it's the red couplets you hung up, that they hit the door whenever wind rises.

红纸 (Red Paper): The color of the red paper stained all over my hand, and both of us accidentally had our faces stained too.

山风 (Mountain Winds): The gale sounded scary, I have to hide in the sofa with Sariel.

玻璃门 (Glass Door): I stuck the paper-cut arts onto the glass door that it became a floral screen. Sariel reluctantly allowed it.

🏮 Sariel: Others use strength to cut through papers, but your strength cuts through the backing board without breaking the blade. Am I supposed to praise you for your talent?

蜡板 (Wax Board): Sariel placed the hollowed wax art* to the entrance.

*T/N: Paper-cut art but on wax... MC... how...

🏮 Sariel: It's true that I have never said I hated the color gold, but there's no need for you to stick this fox to make it look like a gold plated Buddha statue.

金箔 (Gold Leaf): Two pieces of tiny circle gold leaves, sticking onto the little paper fox, now it looks like him.

🏮 Sariel: I have no clue on your pitch-potting* skills, but I can say that your paper-tossing skills are nonexistent.

纸篓 (Paper Bin): Sariel's paper bin is weaved with bamboo! It's even infused with scent!

*T/N: Pitch-pot is a traditional East Asian game that requires players to throw arrows or sticks from a set distance into a large, sometimes ornate, canister.

🏮 Sariel: Slightly sour, slightly sweet, slightly bitter, no cane sugar, needs to be hydrating, do you know what you're talking about?

水果茶 (Fruit Tea): This is the most unique fruit tea that also satisfies my anticipations the most.

🏮 Sariel: This is originally made of flour and water, so it's very normal to have the scent of flour. Or are you hinting that you're hungry?

浆糊 (Glue): Refuting my suggestion on trying to taste the glue, Sariel made rice paste.

🏮 趣闻:风的礼花/ Anecdote: Confetti from the Winds

The instant I opened the glass door, the howling gale brushes over. The shreds of papers fluttered and scattered around - On the floor, on the short tree, and even all over our heads.

Turns out that Sariel's first response was actually to shake his head, just like a fluffy little animal that have just got itself drenched. I helped him to take off a piece of red paper sticking on his brow, and with guilty conscience I asked: "Doesn't this feel like someone has pulled confetti on us?"

"Who?" He asked.

The vast skies in the mountains are quiet, so I said it should be the wind, snow, and nature. He startled for a little, then let out a scoff, seemingly taking a great liking to this answer.

P/S: The shreds of papers stuck in the gaps are really difficult to be cleaned. Sariel, I'm sorry...

3. 明灯映蕊 (Stamen in Light)

🏮 Sariel: To make them according to the steps on the phone, it will fall apart in two days.

手机 (Phone): Sariel said, don't ask the phone for the steps of creation, ask him.

🏮 Sariel: The wooden strips are already grinded, but still, watch out for splinters when you make the frames.

木条 (Wooden Strips): He said to watch out for splinters, but he grinded the wooden strips so much they can be used as chopsticks.

🏮 Sariel: The cotton wick looks very sentimental? With your presence, the sentiments of a leisure wait with chess pieces* is gone anyway.

灯芯 (Lantern Wick): I said that it's better to play chess together than watching the wick burn, he agrees too.

*T/N: This part, 闲敲棋子落灯花 is something from 约客 (Yue Ke) by poet 赵师秀 Zhao ShiXiu. The part basically portrays that it's past midnight, but the invited guest has yet to arrive. The poet knocks the chess pieces quietly in boredom, and the 'mushroom' that is made from the burnt wick of the lantern fell off from the knock's vibration.

🏮 Sariel: The reason behind your bad drawing are because of your messy manners of using brushes, not because you don't have a fox hair brush*.

毛笔 (Brush): I'm not good in using brushes, but he recognized the little fox I drew.

*T/N: A very typical calligraphy brush is 狼毫笔 (wolf hair brush) but MC is likely looking for an excuse to have whatever it takes to tease Sariel with his fox fur by saying she doesn't have a 狐毫笔 lol. (Though it seems like there might be fox hair brushes, but... not anywhere commonly used)

🏮 Sariel: It's my first time knowing someone could fall asleep from watching the swinging lantern tassels. 

流苏 (Tassel): The tassels don't induce sleep, but I can sleep soundly upon hearing his voice.

🏮 Sariel: Why are you giving me bergamot? I am telling you to replenish more vitamins, so you don't catch a cold and make people take care of you.

柚子 (Pomelo): Eating pomelos under the tree, and Sariel took the opportunity to make a little pomelo lantern*.

*T/N: Basically putting candle in the peeled pomelo skin in case if anyone are interested. But if it's Sariel, he would be the type to hollow some of the skin with patterns. ^^

🏮 Sariel: The tree branch you tied the rope to has a swallow nest. By the time it returns to reason with someone, I'm afraid the clumsy bird can't win the argument.

树梢 (Tree Branch): The accumulated snow fell. The one with white hair has whiter hair, and the one without white hair now has her hair dyed white.

鸟窝 (Bird's Nest): Sariel could still remember the nest hair that I had when I was late for work.

红绳 (Red Rope): As I tied the ropes, the red rope has already encircled our wrists.

🏮 Sariel: Put them on, your fingertips are already frozen stiff. I don't want to see your hands tremble when you're drawing your design drafts at any given day.

手套 (Gloves): With a glove per person, while the other hand holding another's, the two of us won't feel cold.

🏮 Sariel: When have you ever seen a warm-colored moonlight? It's the candlelight from lanterns.

明月 (Bright Moon): The warm light blends into the moonlight, like how you're in my heart, and how I'm in yours.

🏮 Sariel: The late night snow is originally cold to begin with. Let's go back in, we can watch the lanterns again any day.

雪 (Snow): On the snowy land, each and every footprint of mine are covered by Sariel's.

🏮 趣闻:不速之客 / Anecdote: Uninvited Guest

Throughout the short afternoon, there are two uninvited guests to the courtyard. One of them being a tattered kite dangling on the tree branch, and another is a migratory bird that has returned here before winter ends.

I said that the kite's string have broken, so it's very difficult for it to arrive the halfway up the mountain, and it's even coincidentally in the shape of a lotus. Sariel, who was gluing lantern papers, made a sound in response, and said "Then let it keep hanging there".

"The little bird must've been terribly freezing, how about letting it in the house to keep it warm a little?" Sariel didn't decline it, even if the little bird has pecked on the kumquats messily and flipped the tableware over, all he did was to let out a frown.

I was surprised over his drastic improvement in tolerance, and this white-furred giant fox that always speaks against his heart, easily irritated, and a total clean freak only threw a glance at me. He said: "The greatest and the most troublesome uninvited guest has been visiting every day, what else can I not get used to?"

Translates on an irregular basis, works on short bursts of energy, suffering in muscle spasms. Travelled from north to south of Japan but would go back again and again. Also a polyglot.