OLDCODEX Rockzine vol.9 Magazine Interview [English Translation]

2/17/2016 08:50:00 PM 10 Comments A+ a-

Translation and photo permission was obtained from: 身為聲優控,是我的驕傲. Please do not share to other platforms without permission. Items in brackets are my personal notes.

Magazine name: Rockzine vol.9 (Taiwanese magazine)
Interviewees: OLDCODEX
Suzuki Tatsuhisa, Ta_2 (Vocalist) - Also VA of Kurosaki Ranmaru
YORKE (Painter)
Q1: Earliest rock band that you’ve listened to?
Ta_2: RIZE

Q2: Most recent concert attended?
Ta_2: ozzy osbourne
YORKE: K o Я m

Q3: Childhood dream job?
Ta_2: Architect
YORKE: Carpenter and a crêperie (small restaurant owner)

Q4: Best and worst subject during childhood?
Ta_2: Best is Japanese, worst is Mathematics
YORKE: Except sports, I sucked in everything else

Q5: Are you good in sports? Favorite sports?
Ta_2: Guess it’s not bad. I like to watch American football.
YORKE: I’m only good in sports. Spent a lot of time on basketball.

Q6: If you are entitled to a month’s vacation, what do you want to do?
Ta_2: Travel abroad to broaden my horizons 
YORKE: Travel

Q7: If you had to spend a million yen in a day, what would you do?
Ta_2: Bringing all the staff and crews to have a great feast
YORKE: Find someone that can make a meaningful use of the money and give him/her the money.

Q8: What makes you nervous recently?
Ta_2: Switching the model of my smartphone
YORKE: The moment when I opened a jelly, the jelly seemed like it’s jumping out so I got surprised by that while opening the jelly. (OMG YORKE-san you are so adorable- )

Q9: What makes you happy recently?
Ta_2: Bought a stereo system
YORKE: Reading a letter from a fan writing “I wanted to properly live in a world where YORKE allows me to see.”

Q10: What kind of food do you like?
Ta_2: Anything that has rice (Are you Hanayo’s brother by chance LOL)
YORKE: Strawberry

Q11: What did you spend the most money on recently?
Ta_2: Speakers
YORKE: Saw this unknown artist’s photobook in a bookstore, bought it.

Q12: What would you relate with winter?
Ta_2: Separation 
YORKE: Christmas

Q13: Something that has to be brought overseas?
Ta_2: PJs
YORKE: Passport (So practical. www)

Q14: How long do you sleep on a daily basis?
Ta_2: 4 to 5 hours. Really wished to sleep longer. 
YORKE: Depends on the season, am the type usually being ask “When are you going to sleep?”

Q15: What is your recent addiction?
Ta_2: LINE
YORKE: Bicycles

Q16: Reared any pets until now?
Ta_2: Cats
YORKE: Dogs and cats. Woof. Meow.

Q17: What way inspires you the most?
Ta_2: See more, listen more, experience more
YORKE: Looking up to the skies

Q18: What do you want to get from Doraemon’s pocket?
Ta_2: A spare pocket
YORKE: Chocolates

Q19: If it is possible, who would you like to meet?
Ta_2: Jerry Harvey (God of earphones)
YORKE: Grandma that has passed away

Q20: If you can turn into another gender for a day (as a female), what would you like to do?
Ta_2: SEX
YORKE: Walking on the streets sexily, choose a bar to drink. Then realized that it was all a dream after waking up from being drunk.

Q21: What would you like to do before world ends?
Ta_2: To be with the one I love.
YORKE: Hugging the person that I deemed most important, telling him/her “There won’t be a doomsday”

Q22: What do you buy the most from convenient stores?
Ta_2: Coffee and cigarette 
YORKE: Coffee

Q23: Who would you look for if you have troubles?
Ta_2: My partner, members, my director or stylist. 
YORKE: Myself

Q24: Respected person?
Ta_2: Nagaharu Yodogawa (A prominent Japanese film critic, film historian and TV personality) 
YORKE: My father

Q25: Favorite idiom?
Ta_2: Wayousecchuu (Literally meaning a combination of Japanese and Western)
YORKE: Isshoukenmei (With all one’s might)

Q26: What do others tell you about your first impression?
Ta_2: Very scary
YORKE: Looks like some very bad person

Q27: Describe your personality in a sentence
Ta_2: Honest with integrity 
YORKE: Though I don’t really want to admit that I’m innocent, but since many people said it that way I guess that’s it. (You are, omg you strawberry and chocolate lover ♡ )
heart emoticon)
Q28: What is OLDCODEX to you?
Ta_2: Worth to be proud of, it’s like me.
YORKE: Though it’s near to me, but it also feels distanced, feels like a planet.

Q29: What are your fans to you?
Ta_2: They portray us.
YORKE: Treasure

Q30: Please say something to the readers.
Ta_2: I hope that there’s a chance for all of you to get to know me better. 
YORKE: Thanks for reading until here. Hope to see you soon! It’s very cold in Japan, how’s Taiwan? Regards from YORKE.

-- END --

Final note: If you wish to translate it into other languages, please leave a comment! I'll respond to it ASAP. 

Translates on an irregular basis, works on short bursts of energy, suffering in muscle spasms. Travelled from north to south of Japan but would go back again and again. Also a polyglot.


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April 8, 2016 at 10:15 AM delete

Hi! I would like to translate and use it on a Facebook page dedicated to YORKE. May l? Or with whom I need permission?
I hope your comment! Thank you! :D

April 28, 2016 at 2:37 PM delete

Hello ! I would like to translate this into French for a forum decidated to OLDCODEX, can I ?
I hope you answer, thank you ^^

Jin ♡
April 29, 2016 at 1:04 PM delete

Sorry for the late reply.

Please let me know which language you plan to translate to. I also require a full credit to my facebook page and my blog:


Please also link me to your post after translation.

If you are unable to fulfill the above statements, I wouldn't give permission for the usage of my post to my translations.

I hope would understand. Thank you.

Jin ♡
April 29, 2016 at 1:05 PM delete

Sorry for the late reply.

Please let me know which language you plan to translate to. I also require a full credit to my facebook page and my blog:


Please also link me to your post after translation.

If you are unable to fulfill the above statements, I wouldn't give permission for the usage of my post to my translations.

I hope would understand. Thank you.

May 1, 2016 at 4:23 PM delete

Hello !

I am planning to translate it into French ! I am fine with the statements I am will give you the link to the post after I am done translating it !

Jin ♡
May 1, 2016 at 4:26 PM delete

Sure thing! Please let me know when you are done with it. :D

Sometimes, I reply really late so you might want to give me a nudge on Twitter @Yamashina_JIN :)

May 2, 2016 at 4:02 AM delete

Hi !

I'm done witht the translating ! Here the link of the post ! Tell me if it's ok with you !


Jin ♡
May 2, 2016 at 5:44 PM delete

Hi! I've roughly read the translation and it seems pretty good. I'm not good in French, though. ww

I also forgot to mention that it would be nice if you could add in a disclaimer that if any translations to other languages are needed, please give me a nudge in this post too. :D

I guess that's all. c:

Thank you for sharing the love of OCD to more parts in the world!


May 2, 2016 at 7:04 PM delete

Hi !

Ok, I will add this later ^^
Thank you !
